Under a Spell

Posted: November 11, 2023 in Uncategorized

Was it some strange potion slipped past my lips,
exquisite elixir mixed by love’s hand
warmed my blood to the marrow with that sip?
Or yet cupid’s sharp bullet point arrow
dipped into gloxinia’s nectared core
straight winging it into my placid heart
stirring a raging fire within my breast
as our eyes raised to meet in startled bliss?

Or is it merely…
that we all go a little mad sometimes?
And if this be madness then let it rage
frenzied, fevered, foolish fascination.
I adore this madness with which I’m mad.

Gloxinia – flower meaning ‘love at first sight’
quote “we all go a little mad sometime

My Main Blog is at

Posted: June 1, 2022 in Uncategorized

Autumn of the Soul

Brevity of Life

Posted: November 11, 2016 in Uncategorized

Image result for brevity of life images

adashofsunny Prompt Nights – Brevity’s the flower that contends not with bunch, rather it blooms  by Sanaa Rizvi

I am a being

for a minute time

out of a vast eternity…

flesh and blood,

bone and gristle,

brain and soul

formed of passion,

navigating toward maturity,


some validation for this breath.

I am one of billions,

part of all, yet all alone

a single voice that feels

bewildered, bohemian, descant

I want to matter now

and when I’m dead

I want the wind

to remember my fragrance,

the trees recall my smile,

the sun my fire,

the land

forlorn for my footsteps and my song.

Where the Song is Moody

Posted: November 6, 2016 in Uncategorized

No Song To Me In The Numb Hours ~ Kenia Cris

imaginarygarden Play It Again, Toads! Imagined By
I Chose  Photography Challenge, featuring Kenia Cris, March 3, 2012


A path leads into the heart
into the wooded chambers
winds along in smoky gloom
that rise from dying embers.
It is, I think, the burnt remains
of smoldering ancient dreams
of love unrequited, hopes cast off,
and plans raveled at the seams.
I meet them here occasionally
to reminisce and lament
then dry my eyes and move on
to where time is better spent.



19th Century Asylums

Posted: November 2, 2016 in Uncategorized

Orbitoclast used in transorbital lobotomy

dverse Poetics: If Walls Could Talk Posted by


Some say this house is haunted.
It is; but not the way you mean.
There are no wispy phantasms
floating in the air, moaning, dragging
chains, running bony fingers through hair.
But, let me enlighten you to the frightful
things I’ve seen, things that have etched
themselves in walls and studs and nail.
Pain and sorrow, insanity and despair,
a thousand screams of madmen
from dreams of fiendish nightmare.
Those scenes and sounds still haunt me
though this asylum has long been closed
and the (mis)treatment of experimental
hopeful cures were finally exposed.

Portrait of Grace

Posted: October 25, 2016 in Uncategorized











Portrait found here

mindlovesmisery Photo Challenge #136 posted byYves


Tell me eyes what have you seen
That still look outward with hope?
I see a grace etched on your face
Absorbed by every withering blow.
I see your beauty still survives and
With age and trial been refined.
What are your dearest memories?
A love that traced the curve of cheek?
A daughter suckled at your breast?
A son who grew to be a man?
Diverse battles fought and won
and lost made of determined stands?
I see strength in corded neck,
determination in set of lips,
vanity and maturity in gauged lobes,
and know, you are a woman to be
admired, respected and reckoned with.

Image result for images of broken towns

dverse Haibun Monday # 23 – contemporary cityscape Posted by “I would like your brief poems to have an element of season. Please keep your prose to less than 150 words, and make sure that the short poem adds a dimension to the writing, and if you choose to add an image try to let that complement with a third dimension. “


Main Street is mainly empty buildings now, crumbling brick, cracked windows, display stage strewn with debris of a discarded past. I walk along cold, lonely streets that once were filled with shoppers, people waving, greeting one another, stopping to gossip about the day’s headlines. Then, they built a mall on the empty fields that lined the new bypass and the downtown died a slow strangling death. Now a new, nostalgic generation hopes against hope to re-energize the city. I see their handiwork of mural painted buildings. Renovation of the old movie theater has begun. A coffee shop, a used bookstore, and an arts and crafts boutique struggle to stay open.

They tore down the Grand Hotel to build a parking building.
They tore down the parking building because they built a mall.
They tear down and build up and call it progress – it’s a lie.


Tongues of Fire

Posted: October 9, 2016 in Uncategorized

imaginarygarden A Splash of Rust & Gold ~ Micro Poetry Imagined By


Yesterday, it was raining embers,
gold and red dropping like tongues
of fire, liars each, just leaves from
weeping trees lying in smoldering
heaps of spent energy. Drying, dying,
today’s dismal elegy to death.


*it was raining embers from –Boey Kim Cheng, “Clear Brightness”

Flash 55

Posted: October 3, 2016 in Uncategorized

Image result for squirrel nest

imaginarygarden Flash 55 PLUS!Imagined By
“Thus, today’s optional extra bit of inspiration for your 55-worder is the concept of SPACE. ”


Leaves have fallen from tree and bush.

Now, I see further than summer allowed.

The world is a bit bigger, emptier, plainly

revealing the squirrel’s drey in bare limbs.

A cradle the wind will rock on blustery nights,

then, knock at my rafters wanting in.

Huff and puff for I’ll be cozy in my den.

Mythology of Man

Posted: October 1, 2016 in Uncategorized

      imaginarygarden A Skyflower Friday – Shipwreck Imagined By
Thus, today’s challenge is to write about what it means to be shipwrecked in our times, either literally or figuratively. You may choose your own point of view: are you a witness, a survivor, or one who will go down with the ship?

              Part 1 – In the beginning

And the Source hovered in the midst of nothing
and called into being all things, and all things
were good and pleasing to the eye of God
until men forgot God and goodness and peace.

Part 2- On Mount Olympus

And the people of earth were wicked
each doing what was right in their eyes
and the Great God sent a flood and said,
children, start over, you’ve a second chance
to bring love and peace into the world

Part 3- A new dawn

And so, eight lives walked off a boat
to start once again. And ages passed
yet, peace did not reign only selfishness
and plunder, and subjugation, and murder
year after year, age after age, better and better
means of destruction and mayhem.

Part 4 – Babel Revisited

And the people of earth worked to perfect
their wickedness. They were proud of their
technology and intelligence and it was good
but bent, twisted, perverted to selfishness
and plunder, and subjugation, and murder

Part 5 -Eve of destruction

And God says another chance, children,
though not the cool of waters washing over
but fire to destroy the sickness, evil, malevolence
of man. And when the thermonuclear cleansing
is done and eight people again begin once again
will they have learned… anything?